Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Writing One

I love the movies, going to the movies or just renting them. It is one of the things I enjoy doing the most. There are so many different types of movies, and so many different steps involved in making a good movie. I’m going to analyze my favorite type of movie, Comedy, an adult comedy movie to be more specific. A comedy needs to have to have a funny concept, funny actors, a good writer, and so many more things to make a great comedy that involves mostly sex and adult urges.

The first thing you need of course is a good script that people will enjoy, and mostly something that they can relate to. One of the best things about teen sex comedies is that they can take moments, like getting a parking ticket or going on a blind date, that when they happen to you in real life you may not think it is funny or enjoy it at all. For example in the movie "The 40 Year Old Virgin", Steve Carrel’s character gets his chest waxed. In real life getting your chest waxed is rarely funny, but it’s one of the funniest scenes in the movie. In an adult comedy they can make you remember those moments in your life, and laugh about them. The most important thing when making a comedy movie is definitely having a writer who has been in the characters shoes and know how they feel so they can show the audience things that they can relate to. The reason this is important is because an audience is going to care about the character more if they know what they’re going through.

Another very important thing about an adult comedy is you have to have genuinely funny actors that have good timing when it comes to jokes. It’s not all that important to have good-looking actors and actresses. If the person in the movie is a good-looking actor and the character there trying to play is just an average guy, or a nerd or dork, then its going to kind of take you out of the story. Like Jack Black in "Shallow Hal", his character has a hard time picking up women. Since it’s Jack Black that’s a believable scenario, but if you put Brad Pitt or George Clooney in that role it would be hard to believe. You’re not going to believe someone with perfect hair and teeth are gonna have that much trouble picking up a girl, or making friends.

There are different types of funny actors too. Some can read a good script and hit the punch line of a joke at just the right moment to make you laugh. A couple of actors who seem to do that rather well in my eyes would be Steve Carrel in "The 40 Year Old Virgin", or on his show "The Office", or Jerry Seinfeld in his sitcom "Seinfeld". Steve Carrel has a punchline he loves to use on his show, when another character says something that sounds sexy his character will say, "That’s what she said".

Another type of funny is physically funny. This is when someone puts his or her body through serious pain to show something funny. Some examples could be Ben Stiller in "There’s Something about Mary", Will Ferrell in "Anchorman" or "Old School", or Dick Van Dike on his old sitcom "The Dick Van Dike Show". A good example of physical comedy is when Will Ferrel goes streaking in "Old School".

The last type I can think of that I think is the funniest are quick comedians, or Improv. An example of this is when an actor just spits out funny lines so fast. These movies rarely ever have to slow down for a joke. These movies have funny lines and conversations non-stop, "Superbad" is good example of a movie like that. Some good examples of these actors would be Vince Vaughn in "Wedding Crashers", and Dave Chappelle on "Chappelle’s Show".
Another thing that almost always seems essential to adult comedies is sex. That’s one of the main reasons that they would be considered adult comedies. Sex is such a big part of our society that it can be funny sometimes. The funny things about sex are normally the lengths some people go just to get it. That’s what most sexual comedies are about. In American Pie the whole plot of the movie is four high school seniors want to lose their virginity before they graduate. In Wedding Crashers two guys go to weddings to pick up brides maids who are envious of the newly married friends. In The 40-Year-Old Virgin, a man who as you probably could guess is a 40-year-old virgin and the whole plot of the movie is for him to lose his virginity.

Adult Comedies also normally feature lots of vulgar language. I think it makes it seem more real, because you know most people, honestly, talk like that. I believe most people over the age of fourteen or fifteen use bad language regularly. So if your trying to base a movie truly on someone over that age, it would have to be rated R most of the time. Some movies with a lot of language would "Life" or "Wedding Crashers". One comedian that always seemed to use language not only in his stand up comedy but also in his movies was the late Richard Pryor. He may have used a good bit of language, but he was almost always funny.

One more thing that makes some adult comedies stick out is heart. A comedy is always supposed to make you laugh but if it can make you feel the characters to then that’s when I think it is a great comedy. Like in "The 40 Year Old Virgin", the thing about that movie that is great is behind all of the smart remarks and jokes. These guys become friends and they all learn things from one another and by the end of the movie your rooting for the hero to get what he wants. Those are the things that make an adult comedy, sex, language, a good script and a little bit of heart.

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