Monday, September 10, 2007


There is a big difference in opinion when it comes to the Puritans and the Rationalist. The Puritans believed god was someone to fear. They thought that god pulled all the strings and that every unexplainable thing or event was some sort of miracle. They didn’t need an explanation on why it rained, or why the sky was blue, they just believed God knew what was going on and what was good for them. They believed heavily in pre-destination and that were doing what God wanted them to. The Rationalist on the other hand believed there had to be explanation for things. Most of the still believed in a higher power, but they also believed there was a way that science could explain things. Like why does it lightning, what is lightning, and why do we need oxygen to survive. They believed they walked their own path and made their own decisions.

They believed everyone was equal in God’s eyes.
The different opinions in the Rationalist way of thought and the Puritans are still around today, mostly in the opinions of natural disasters. When hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans some people had different opinions on why it happened. Some people believed like the Puritans and thought God was punishing us for not having as much faith as we used to. That he was angry with us for taking prayer out of schools or just angry because we were a much more liberal society than we used to be. On the other hand though, some people believed like the Rationalist. They would say that this was just a natural thing. They believed that the damage to our planet and our ozone was throwing our planet off balance and that if we didn’t take care of it things like this would keep happening. So the thought are kind of similar in a way. They both believe we are the cause of our planet’s destruction. The difference is the Puritans believe God is punishing us and the Rationalist believes that it’s just the natural order of the things.

The thing that makes Ben Franklin a good example of a rationalist is his way of thinking for himself. This is a man who went out on his own to explore life. He lives his life his own way and even made a list of things to help him improve his life. His planned to achieve his goal one step at a time and not take on all at once. The Puritans believed that had to fallow every thing in god’s plan. Rationalist lived their life by there own plan and that’s why Benjamin Franklin is a good example of a Rationalist.

My List of Virtues

Patience- enjoy life more and not be in such a rush.
Language- not curse as much
Respect- show more respect to others
Strength- exercise daily
Kindness- be generally kind in everything I do
Explore- try new things
Work- work as hard as I can everyday
Relax- enjoy resting everyday
Thankful- be thankful for everything I have
Learn- try to learn something everyday.
Health- eat healthy every day
Time- use all my time doing something
Care- care for others

I think it is a good thought thought saying I could accomplish these things, but I doubt I ever wood. I think I could but even though these things would make me a better person I don’t know if it would improve my life. There are a certain few that would but not all of them. I do try and do some of these things on the list already. Some of these things would put a strain on life though. Like eating health, I’m totally for and I try to do it, but sometimes I want to enjoy a big juicy burger or a nice big piece of cheesecake. I guess thought that if I did all these things I would be considered a good, king and caring person. It would definitely look good on a resume.

For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
This shows rationalism because the Puritans would believe God’s vengeance would punish a murderer. Or that it would be their job to punish them. Rationalists want to trial
and then prosecute.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
This is probably the most famous part of the Declaration. This shows rationalistic thought by saying we have the right to take our own path and try to find happiness. The Puritans believed you just got what you deserved.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
The Puritans believed the wealthy and the chosen few by God should control. Rationalist took a or logical approach by saying if someone gets out of line the people can decide to get him out of office by popular vote.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

You have done some nice work here. I especially like the section on The Declaration of Independence.